Refuse to Quit, How to Become an Artist

becoming an artist

Art has always been a major highlight and focus of not only your education, but your life. You have consistently been drawn to areas that involve artistry and innovation. Your early memories include going to art classes with your mother, looking over her shoulder and being fascinated by the creative process. The idea of manifesting something new and unique has been a lifelong interest. You have attempted to explore almost every artistic field that you can get my hands on, particularly visual arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, fashion design, and even cinematography. 

Develop your voice.

When it comes to making great art, you need to work to develop your personal voice and style, this isn’t something happens over night. If you want to start to uncover your voice, create a pinterest board, or start collecting images from a magazine. Look at them together and think about what common colors, objects, and shapes do you see?

Pull People into your work

You want people to spend time looking at your work, not just glancing and moving onto the next piece. In order to pull them in, you need to do something surprising. You need to use the elements and principals of art in a new way, or at least not in an expected way. Take some time and look at some of the great works of art throughout history. How are they using the elements and principals of art in their work?

Poster Poster (1)

Make ALOT of work

When you learn about a famous artist, writer, or musician, one thing that you’ll find that they all have in common, is that they created  A LOT OF WORK. It’s not always easy to keep pushing yourself. AP classes are the perfect way to give you a support group that will keep pushing you to create more work. 

Refuse to quit

Yesterday I decided that I was going to paint our front porch in the style of a Piet Mondrian painting, and as most things, it took a lot longer than I’d hoped. As in it took ALL day. I was sweating, tired and thirsty, but some of the neighbor kids were helping with the project, and they were eager to see it completed, so I kept going. Had it been just me, I probably would have stopped for the day before the project was complete. When you have other people around you, that are working towards the same end goal, they help you keep moving forward. 

Be inspired

It can be easy to make the same thing over and over again. Whether your in an AP studio course of the AP Art history course , you’re going to be surrounded by brilliant creative thinkers every day. Thinkers that will give you ideas, inspiration, and motivation.

Open doors to creative jobs

You’re considering a career in product design or industrial design, interior design/decorating may also be a possibility. You like the idea of being a game developer, gallery director, museum curator. You would love do design the windows at Anthropology, be a film maker, or an art teacher. 

Then it’s time for you to join AP Art or Art History