How to prep student work for an ARt show…. without losing your mind

how to prepare students work for the art show

It’s that time of the year where most art teachers are simultaneously thinking, this art show is going to be great, and why in the world are we having an art show!!!!

Art shows are no joke, they’re a lot of work, and it often seems like it takes weeks to prep, and then the show is only up for a few hours. But done right you and your students can reap big rewards by engaging with the community, other teachers, and school administration. Plus, it’s a great way for students to learn about displaying their artwork. Once students are high school, you can have them help with the mounting, matting, and labeling of artwork, but you still need to have a clear system in place so that things don’t get out of control. Below I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to prep student artwork.

  • as much as possible prep as you go
  • have student name labels made ahead of time
  • use railroad board to cut down on cost