Create your own Options

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changing mindsSay goodbye to self doubt, and hello to creating work that you’re proud of.

Changing Minds is a 5 week course designed to help you reach your full creative potential. You’ll become more confident about your choices, feel more creative, and feel like you’re taking a clear path in your creative life.


I’ve never been an avid or overly skilled skier , but that didn’t keep me from hitting the slopes once or twice a year.

Over Christmas my husband and I went on a ski trip with my family. My mom doesn’t ski, she stays in the lodge and reads, which leaves me with my brother, dad, and husband, all of whom are much more skilled than myself when it comes to the slopes.

It’s no fun to ski by yourself, so I gave it my best effot to keep up with the boys.

They loved one trail that I hated, it was icey, and I couldn’t seem to stay upright.

During one of our last runs , I fell…. again, I was over trying to hang with the boys, and had no desire to get up, only to fall again.

The solution: I rolled over on my stomach, lifted my skis up and proceeded to slide down the mountain…  on my stomach. My husband and brother were already at the bottom. Ashey ( my brother) exclaimed, “look at that crazy person “, my husband responded… ” I think that’s your sister. ”

They were confused as to why I would make a spectical and slide down on my stomach instead of skiing, but it was the most fun I had all day.

There was no risk of falling, and if felt liberating to be conquering the slope that had defeated me all day.

There are always options, you just have to create them. To my ski companions the only way down the slope was on your skis or snowboard, to me that wasn’t working so I created a third option.


Sometimes following the norm leaves you bruised and in pain. Don’t let rules force you to make a choice that you don’t like. Think of what would feel the best, be the most freeing, and most fun, and see  if you can make that happen.


Want to know my top 3 ways of generating ideas?

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