How to Have More Effective Parent Teacher Conferences

Posted in teacher tools

Let’s talk about Parent-Teacher Conferences.

They’re important. Clear and consistent communication helps everyone. But, so often no one comes to conferences, leaving you sitting alone in your classroom. OR, the scheduled parent-teacher conference time is right before or after report cards go home, which isn’t an effective time to have a conversation, as there is no time left to make improvements.

If something isn’t working, IE: year after year you sit alone in your classroom, than it’s time to change it. This means that you may need to get a bit creative and you might need to talk to your administration about some alternative ideas.

Today, I’m presenting the idea of having “office hours” and scheduling virtual meetings using Zoom. us. In the video below I walk you through the process of setting up office hours using Google Calendar and creating your meeting link with Zoom.

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