Are you Making these 3 Common Photography Mistakes?

A common misconception about the AP online 2D Design course is that it can’t include photography, and I wanted to make sure that you know, that isn’t the case.

There are 4 art related AP Art courses, 2D Design, Drawing, 3D Design, and Art History. Photography, both digital and film ( yes, there are still some people that practice darkroom photography) fall into the 2D Design course. So if you LOVE photography and are hoping to develop your style and voice, 2D Design can be a great fit for you. The other fun part, is that all of your work can be photography based, but it doesn’t have to be. You can do things like draw, paint, college, and explore digital art all within the AP 2D Design course.

As you reflect on what you currently do and don’t know about photography, I wanted to give you 3 tips. I’ve taught photography for over 10 years, and these are 3 of the most common errors that find that students make. These tips are specific to those of you that are using a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflect) camera. While there are many brands, Nikon, Cannon and the 2 most common. It’s also important to know that within any one brand of DSLR camera, there are a lot of models and each works a little bit differently.

A DSLR camera, gives you more control of choices that you’re making when taking photos then something like your phone or a point and shoot camera.

If you want to continue to improve you photography skills, check out AP 2D Design. This course is online, so you can take it from anywhere.

Below you’ll see a list of common mistakes as well as videos to walk you through the mistakes and ideas about how to fix them.



Video 1: What to do if your photos are too dark


Video 2: What to do if you photos are coming out too light

Video 3: What to do if your photos are blurry