What’s it like to take an Art Class Online: Sample Class
You are an avid art lover.
You want to improve your skills, but you’re not really sure where to turn.
You’ve watched a lot of youtube videos, and read a lot of art and drawing books, but you feel like there is still something missing.
AP Drawing and AP 2D Design are just what you’re looking for. They give you the tools to push your work forward, by helping you to develop you own person voice, learn more about ideation, and allowing you to get feedback from both your classmates and art teacher.
So you think that sounds great, but you’re not sure if you’re ready. Maybe you think that you’re too young, or are unsure if your work is strong enough. You also might be unsure about what it’s like to take an art class online. In each class you’ll learn through a wide variety of ways and assignments, to get you started, you can explore a mini lesson below.
Watch: Start by watching the videos below. Grab your sketchbook, notebook, or a scrap piece of paper and write down or draw ideas that come to you. It’s important to be an active listener, which means that you’re not just sitting and listening, you’re working along with it. It could even mean that you’re writing down the words and making little sketches as I describe them.
Let’s start by exploring a few of the principles of art.
Unity and Movement
In the video below, you’ll see how the artist Jacob Lawrence uses some of the principles of art in his work.
In AP classes, it’s rare that I’ll tell you exactly what to create, because a big part of this class is helping you to develop your own personal voice. So I want you to be sure that you’re comfortable with coming up with ideas on your own. The assignment below will guide you.
Assignment: Open your favorite book, or any book that you can find, to page 13, read the 5th sentence on the page. Use that sentence as your prompt to create a piece. Read the sentence and then think about how you can interpret that sentence visually.
Size: size is your choice
Medium: ( medium is what you use to create, like paint, pencil, digital) work in your favorite medium. This can also be done in your sketchbook if you wish.
Time: spend no more than 3 hours on the piece ( take this into consideration when you’re selecting the size)
In a typical AP Art course, there would also be instructions about how you turn in the work a long with a rubric for how you would be assessed for that assignment, however, we’re not going to get that complicated today.