Do you Have a Classroom FAQ Page?

When I think about ways to improve my teaching, I like to research and learn more about education, but I also like to look outside of education.
When thinking about how to make a website for your class, set-up your online classroom, or even the best ways to communicate with your students and parents, it can be helpful to look at businesses that you feel are doing it well.
One thing that you’ll see over and over again, are FAQ pages. And there is a reason. They save you a lot of time, and make it easy for people to find the answers that they’re looking for.
Have you built an FAQ page for your class?
To keep it growing, each time someone sends you an email with a question, that’s relevant to the larger group, respond, then copy and paste the response and add it to your FAQ page.
Here are items that I have on mine now.
1. Do I have to take the AP exam/submit my portfolio?
2.Trouble Shooting with Zoom
3. Can I resubmit work if I don’t like my grade?
4. Can I use work that has a copyright in my own work?
5. What is appropriation?
6. Can I submit late work and still receive full credit?
7. What should I do if I don’t understand something?
8. Do you offer Extra Credit?
9. How long does it usually take you to respond to emails?
10. How long does it usually take you to grade work?
What else would you add?