Start with the End in Mind

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Has this school year launched you into being a teacher and a parent?

Are you trying to help you kids break down big projects and realizing that you’re not even sure how to do it yourself?

A BIG reason that students fall behind in any educational setting, at home, online, hybrid, or in-person, is because they don’t know how to plan, and no one is helping them. Students often start with good intentions of finishing their projects, presentations, and papers on time, only to realize that they started to late. Instead of submitting an incomplete or not so great assignment, they disengage, and sometimes (especially online) seem to disappear.

Failing because you didn’t try, hurts the ego less, then trying and failing.

I’m not saying that the above is a good mindset to adopt, however, after 13 years of teaching, I am saying it is a common mindset among students.

Let’s set our students and ourselves up for success this year and beyond. Take the time to teach them how to plan, and support them in the process.

Watch the video below to start with the end in mind.