Helping Students Write about Their work

Writing artists statements and writing about their artwork is something that many students struggle with. They aren’t sure how to make it interesting or what the point is.
In AP Studio Art, the college board requires students to write 100 characters for each piece, explaining their process. Many students write things like, drew a sketch, added paint, outlined. And while this is true and tells us a little bit about their process, it doesn’t get to the heart of it, or why reflecting on your process matters.
When students understand their creative process, it helps them develop ideas faster, overcome creative blocks, and be intentional about when, how, and where they create their work.
To help students uncover their process, they respond to the question, What is the most interesting/surprising thing about your process?
Next, they take that information and turn it into a 6 word story.
To help them further develop their writing, they think about, what is the thing that they really want the viewer to know, but that may not be obvious.
Listen to the audio above, to hear us work through the process together.