How to Solve Problems Like a professional… Even When You Aren’t

If you could swap brains with someone for an hour or two, who would it be and what would they help you solve?
My husband and I were attempting to hang string lights on our front porch, something that we’d never done before. Needless to say, it wasn’t going well. There is a strategy about where you start, in order to cover poles + porch with one string of lights.
Then I said, ” If I was a professional I would do like this.” Spitting out an idea like I hung string lights for my job. My husband responded, “Then why don’t we do it like that?”
When solving hard or new problems, pretending that you’re someone else can help you approach it in a new way.
Shortly after we finished hanging our string lights, a student reached out. Sharing that she was having trouble coming up with an idea for her art project, when she decided to pretend that she was me, BAM, she had an idea.
Are you ready to solve all of your problems like a professional?
- What are you trying to figure out?
- Who is someone that is good at that skill, task or technique? It can be someone that you know, but it doesn’t have to be.
- Ask yourself how that person would approach your problem. If you’re still feeling stuck, do some research on your selected expert, helping you to get a better grasp on their mindset.