Materials Inspire

In a previous post, Materials Matter, I discussed the connection between the materials that you select to create your work and the message that you’re trying to convey.
Synthesizing materials, processes, and ideas, is something that students often don’t think about, but is an important part of the art-making process. Even more important if you’re taking an AP Studio Art class, or preparing an art portfolio for college.
Let’s look at 2 artists that use materials in interesting, meaningful, and intentional ways.
Adam Miller : Miller creates by collecting and curating everything around him. As you watch the video, even if you don’t love his work or his process, pay close attention to the connection between the materials that he selects and his overall message.
Sculptor Phyllida Barlow : Barlow is playful and highly experimental in her work and process. Watch to see how the materials and process inform her work.
What type of materials do you need?
There is no one right answer to the question above, however, it can be hard to select materials if you don’t know your options, or don’t understand what you’re looking at. In the video below, I’ll introduce you to different types of paper and help guide your selection.