How Materials Create Meaning

Above is one section of the rubric for AP Studio Art.
In the videos below we’ll explore examples of the role that materials and processes play when making a work of art. Before we watch the first video, grab your sketchbook and something to write with. I’m going to set a timer for one minute, write down as many materials and processes to create art with that you can think of.
Materials: materials are the things that you use to create the work. Some examples are acrylic paint, stretched canvas, recycled cardboard.
Processes: processes are what you do with the materials. Some examples of processes are dry brush painting, splatter painting, or collage.
Note that as I listed materials I was specific. I didn’t just write paint, I wrote what kind of paint, I didn’t just write canvas, I wrote that it was a stretched canvas. As you brainstorm processes and materials, be as specific as possible.
- Put a start next to the materials or processes on your list that you love using.
- Put a check next to the materials or processes on your list that you’ve never used before, but are curious about.
- Cross out any materials or processes that you listed that you know you don’t like working with.
As you watch the first video, write down any additional materials that you think of that sound interesting to explore.
Now that you have a list of materials and processes, it’s time to start thinking about how they connect to your ideas. Make notes beside each item on your list of what it reminds you of, then reflect on if that connects to the idea that you’re hoping to communicate in your work.