Understanding Size and Selected Works
In a previous post, we talked about how the size of your artwork can impact the meaning. Today I want to get more specific and talk about the size of your artwork if you’re working on an AP 2D design or AP Drawing portfolio.
For AP portfolios you submit 15 digital images to the college board and 5 physical pieces for your selected works. Your selected works can be images that are included in your 15 digital images for your sustained investigation. The sustained investigation and selected works are scored separately.
Below is the rubric for the selected works. This rubric is a holistic rubric. There will be future posts that talk more about the rubric, today we’re focusing on the size of the work.

You’ll send 5 physical pieces to the college board. If your work is digitally based like photography or digital art, you’ll need to print 5 of your pieces.
Selected works can be no lager than 18″x14″, so you’ll want to make sure that you create a few pieces that are in this size range. Otherwise, you could submit a digital reproduction of the work, however, I always recommend sending the physical piece whenever possible so that people can see the true color, texture, and overall marks of the work.