Do You Have Enough Supplies to Share?

It’s a common pet peeve of many art teachers to have students from other classes sent to their room to ask for supplies. Can you relate?
Before you say no, or get mad, here are a few questions to reflect on.
- Did you purchase the supplies or did the school?
- Are they consumable or non-consumable?
- Do you sometimes need to borrow supplies from others?
- Did you communicate preferred processes and procedures for borrowing or using supplies?
I recommend getting ahead of the situation and communicating with other teachers about how to ask for supplies, when to pick them up, and what supplies are available.
Below is a sample email for you to edit and send.
Welcome back!
As we start a new year, I wanted to take a moment to let you know where/how you can access art supplies that you might need in your room throughout the year. Based on the art budget and projects and planned curriculum, I may not be able to provide everything that you need, but do have some supplies that you’re welcome to use and borrow. All of these supplies are located ________________________________( insert cupboard, drawer location or the like where they can access supplies)
Supplies are provided on a first come first serve basis and may vary. Below is a general list:
- Paint Brushes ( they aren’t new, but they’ll do the trick when you’re in a pinch)
- Paint ( colors will vary)
- Scissors (borrow and return)
- Rulers (borrow and return)
- Scraps of matt board
- Scrap paper ( variety of kind, color, and size)
- Yarn
If there is a non-consumable supply that you need that isn’t in the closet, feel free to send an email and ask. Please ask at least a day in advance, letting me know how many you need and when, if it’s available, I’ll be happy to share it with you.
Consumable supplies that are not in the closet aren’t available, as I have just enough to teach my curriculum.