How to study the AP Art History 250 images

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The AP Art History course and exam comes with a list of 250 works of art that may be included on the exam, and therefore are the primary focus of the course. It can feel overwhelming to try to memorize all of the works.

As with any large project, it’s important to break it down into small and management tasks. Let’s start by looking at the percentage that each of the 10 units is weighted on the exam, we’ll then start with the unit that has the highest weight and go from there.

Unit 1: 4%

Unit 2: 15%

Unit 3: 21%

Unit 4: 21%

Unit 5: 6%

Unit 6: 6%

Unit 7: 4%

Unit 8: 8%

Unit 9: 9%

Unit 10: 11%

Now, we’ll put these in order, based what has the highest to lowest weight on the test.

Unit 3: Number of images: 52 (images 48-98)

Day 1: practice memorizing 3 images from unit 3. Look at the images in the morning, afternoon, and evening or set a timer reminding yourself to take 5 minutes to look at the images at least 3 times throughout the day.

Day 2: add 2 more images, and continue to review the prior 3

Continue to add 2-5 new images every day while also reviewing the previous images, until you’ve gone through all of the images in unit 3

note: this is not about perfect, this is about progress, the AP exam is also about more than just memorizing images and identifying information. Continue doing the same practice for each unit, doing one unit at a time so that it’s doesn’t take you super long to through the images.

Unit 4: Number of images: 54 (images 99-152)

Repeat the same exercise as outlined above. Begin with a small number, and each day add a few more to the pile to review. Review a few times throughout the day. Look for small windows of time, while you’re waiting in line, during commercial breaks of your favorite show, or while riding in the car.

Unit 2: Number of images: 25 (images 12-47)

Unit 10: Number of images: 27 (images 224-250)

Unit 9: Number of images: 11 (images 213-223)

Unit 8: Number of images: 21 (images 192-212)

Unit 5: Number of images: 14 (images 153-166)

Unit 6: Number of images: 14 (images 167-180)

Unit 1: Number of images: 11 (images 1-11)

Unit 7: Number of images: 11 ( images 181-191)

As you study, reflect on what has worked well for you in the past when you needed to memorize something to take on a big task. How can you apply some past techniques to your Art History Course?