Do You Feel behind?

This time of the year always tends to feel a bit hard when it comes to AP art. You’ve been working on your sustained investigation for a solid five months; you know that you have two more months to go, and somehow that feels like a very long and very short amount of time.
You might have gotten sick and not created as much work as you wanted to. Or you might be struggling with balancing work from all of your classes. The first thing to know is that it’s normal while this feeling isn’t fun.
Let’s look at four ways to help you finish your art portfolio on time.
- Can you make the piece that you’re working on smaller?
- What is the primary color of your work? Can you start with a paper that is that color and save yourself time on shading? I.e., use paper that is skin toned instead of having to shade skin.
- What is the most IMPORTANT part of your work? Put the most time and energy into how that looks, and consider leaving some of the other elements unfinished?
- Are there parts of your work that you can collage?