Posted in Books

How much time and energy do you waste trying to remember your username and password for literally EVERYTHING!?

Okay, you might be confused about why I’m talking about passwords. If you’ve been hanging out with me for very long, you’re used to me talking about creativity, ideation, and advanced placement classes.

Here’s the thing, to have the time and space needed to be creative, ideate, and crush all of the work in advanced placement classes, you can’t be distracted or waste your time attempting to guess your password to the college board site.

When you’re frustrated, you’re not productive or creative.

When you can’t access the information or resources you need, you aren’t going to come up with great ideas. Instead, you are putting all of your energy into coming up with a new password with 12 letters, one capitalized, one number, and three symbols that you’ll also actually remember.

So yes, I write, teach, and create resources about creativity, ideation, and advanced placement classes. AND, I write and share information about tools that help give you more time, space, and energy for your creative work, and today, that happens to be a password book.

Yes, you can use one password (I sometimes do), and we could write our passwords in any random notebook (also tried that), but we’re more likely to use things that we like and that are easy to use.

So after trying to remember my password to some random account for the 5 millionth time, I stopped and created a password book. It’s colorful, organized, and easy to use, and I can stop putting all of my energy into remembering what in the world I might have been thinking about the last time that I tried to log into the said site.

Let’s stop wasting time and start creating.