End of the Year activities made easy

How the Bear Met the Bee is a children’s book about chance encounters.

The book was written and designed both for kids to love and for parents and teachers to use as a teaching tool. The book comes with 7 activities that prompt children to draw, spell, reflect on movement, and move their bodies, making this the perfect book for the end of the school year. PS: as a high school teacher, even high school students enjoy children’s books and activities once in and while.

While it would be great to have a copy of the book for each student in your class, we all know that’s often not within the budget. So if you only have one copy, we wanted to make it easy to share the how-to draw activities with your students.

You can grab download slides of the how-to-draw activities in the book, making it easy to share with your students.

How to Draw a Bee

How to Draw a Bus

How to Draw a Bear