Summer Camp Curriculum Done for You

This is the first summer in a long time that I’m not teaching any classes or running summer camps, and that’s because I’ve shifted to creating books, that are going to make it easier for you to teach a summer camp. If this is your first summer giving camps a try or you’re a seasoned veteran, I want to help you create seamless sessions for both you and the students.

A big challenge with summer sessions is making sure that you have a range of activities to keep the students engaged the entire time that they’re with you, that also means having a backup plan in case things don’t take as long as you thought that they would, or if you have a few early finishers.

It’s a great idea to always have a few books with you. That way you can read the book to all of the students, you can have a student read to a small group, or students can look through the books on their own. Books are usually inexpensive, easy to carry with, and a lifesaver during summer camps.

Two books that are must-haves for this summer.

The Oddball:

There are two versions of this book, the hardcover book comes with more activities than the paperback, so check your budget and see which works best for you.

The Oddball teaches children to celebrate their strengths and the differences of those around them. This is a playful story where all kinds of sports balls, play, explore and get to know each other, which the exception of one ball, that doesn’t feel like it fits in. After observing and finally interacting with all of the other balls, the oddball learns to celebrate its differences and becomes friends with all of the other balls.

The Oddball

– connects to social, emotional, learning goals
– supports character development
-facilities conversations about feeling different, learning to fit in, making friends, and embracing who you are

The Oddball is filled with rhythmic words and bold bright illustrations to keep children engaged page after page.

Written and illustrated by educators, the book also includes drawing, matching, and movement activities, making it the perfect addition to any classroom. Or add it to your at home library and keep your kids entertained!

  • 40 pages with color illustrations
  • 10 interactive activities

Get your copy

How the Bear Met the Bee

Could the simple act of a bear yawning cause a bee to meet that same bear later in the day? The story takes readers on a wild ride of cause and effect involving a bear, bee, horn, bus, baseball game, and ultimately a fish. Read along as the story twists and turns to discover how the bear does eventually meet the bee.

The book comes with related activities. You’ll find writing, spelling, and drawing practice. As well as movement exercises and games.

Get your copy