High in the Tree and Low in the Soil: The Story Behind the Page

I like nature. Subconsciously, it works its way into many of my stories. I also like to write about things that generally have an obvious relationship. I then take that relationship in a not-so-obvious direction. It makes for thoughtful conflict; we all know a story needs tension or conflict.

With that thought in mind, I allowed my mind to begin brainstorming.

I must give it permission because my mind will drift when allowed to wonder and think. During a good brainstorm, one I’m excited about, it can be challenging to focus on my real-life tasks. Ideas are constantly appearing in my mind mentally. I explore the idea, but suddenly, I need paper for notes, and I lose focus on my tasks in the real world. A brainstorm is a distracting time.

During one such session, I began to think about seeds and the soil in which they sprout. It was springtime, which possibly influenced these thoughts. Quickly, I needed paper; this was an idea with roots. Once the seed developed a bit of spunk, it was easy to imagine the tension. Why would a seed want to leave a nice cone high in the treetops? It was muddy on the ground; things would like to eat the seed, the air has a funk, and it might get damaged and rot away to nothing. Plus, the seed might be unaware of its vast potential, just like a kid. So much strength and life exists in the tiny seed, but it’s all in a future the seed cannot comprehend.

Thus, I spent several days lost in my mind, often clutching tiny slips of paper and a pen as I made notes and wrote pieces of the story. The seed had spunk and sass but was less knowledgeable than she imagined. The tree had calm wisdom and experience but the inability to force anything upon the seed. A dialogue must take place.

Now, I was ready to type. I love it when a story develops; the writing comes naturally. I don’t fight the story or the keyboard. After the first draft, I made many small changes and revisions. I alter words and phrases, but the message stays constant. I’m confident I’ve written something others will enjoy when this occurs. I’m sure you will enjoy High in the tree and low in the soil.