Why you need to be uncomfortable.
I spend my day teaching art to teenagers and one of the biggest misconceptions that we need to overcome is the meaning of art and creativity.
Commonly students don’t think that they’re creative and at the same time believe that everything is art, and if something isn’t working , just say that’s it’s abstract.
It’s my job to make them realize that they have the ability to produce creative ideas. And make them stop believing that calling everything good art, is an acceptable excuse to not coming up with good ideas, questions, and solutions.
While I’m sure that you have some standards for what you consider good art and and bad art, you probably don’t think that you’re very creative, and you have no idea what to do about it.
” What are we really risking when we create? We might fear losing our jobs, but more often we’re concerned about being perceived as inadequate or ineffective. “
Fear is holding you back from producing the work that you should be putting into the world. ( click to tweet)
A lack of confidence is keeping you from pushing boundaries, asking questions, and producing work that adds value to the world. ( click to tweet)
The Key to having more ideas and producing better work is practice with intention.
Through intentional practice you’re always working on work that pushes you slightly out of your comfort zone. To be a great creative thinker, you will always be uncomfortable.
You maybe be wondering why you would choose to be uncomfortable. The truth is that you’re either going to be uncomfortable because you always feel behind and inadequate, or uncomfortable because you’re always pushing, challenging, and working to move forward.
” Growth is uncomfortable, but without the discomfort our capacity doesn’t remain the same, it shrinks. If we’re not growing we’re dying.”
It’s time for you to jump start your growth through intentional practice and that’s where I come in. Intentional practice is a hard thing to do on your own. Just as in school and sports we need a teacher and or coach to guide us, get us started, and lead us through practice, it’s the same for creativity.
That’s what will happen in Changing Minds. I know that you’ve been reluctant, because you don’t want to do the work, or you don’t want to be uncomfortable. But this class will make it easier, as you walk through the steps with me by your side and classmates cheering you on. You’re running out of time. So go and sign up.
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