Why you need to embrace your strengths and forget your weakness

“The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.” – Eugene Delacroix We spend a lot of time… too much time actually… talking and thinking about what we’re not good at, and we do the same with kids and students.   When talking to parents I often hear, my child isn’t good […]

3 Ways to see how creative you really are.

Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. William Pollard Creativity isn’t the easiest thing to test…… as in it’s pretty darn hard to make it fit onto a scantron sheet. However, there are accurate test […]

How to talk to kids about art

“Kids are not little adults. But they are professionals. Their job is to play, their job is to experiment, their job is to try different things.” Chuck Jones (the guy who drew Bugs Bunny) On a regular basis students walk up to me holding a project, drawing, or photograph in their hand and ask if […]

Do Ducks have a Penis?

Recently I read Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, it’s an interesting book that goes through the life and process of creatives. The 3 most common themes were the consumption of alcohol , caffeine, and taking walks. I’m not advocating that you start drinking heavily, instead we’re going to focus on the movement part of the […]

How to have more free time as a parent.

How to have more free time as a parent.

When I was entering second grade, our teachers went on strike, causing school to start 2 weeks late. It was wonderful. 2 more weeks of summer.   My brother and I were thrilled. We spent the next two weeks at our grandmother’s house. Her house was one of my favorite places to go. There were few […]

Get moving with your creative groove

Get moving with your creative groove

  Get moving with your creative groove! I wanna dance

30 Creativity Hacks: A 30 day guide to become more creative.

We can all agree that children are creative, curious and full of imagination, however, that often goes away as they age. The question  becomes, how do we help our children to stay creative, and how do we as adults reignite the creative fire that used to burn so brightly within us. It starts with understanding […]

What the creative process can teach you about yourself.

What the creative process can teach you about yourself.

What is the creative process? You have to win the battle to get to the dance. As I talk about the need for creativity in our schools, it also important that I talk about the creative process, what is, how it works, and how you can make it work for you and your children. My […]

How to be more creative: Get your copy of the Creative Process Guide

How to be more creative: Get your copy of the Creative Process Guide

When you look at the work of artists, writers, and anyone who falls into the creative category, you look at them in awww and wonder. How do they do it? Where do the ideas come form? Why do they have so many more ideas then you , and why are they so much more interesting […]

How Safe is your Child’s Creativity

How Safe is your Child’s Creativity

The Secret to Art and Creativity and the role that parents play I have no memory of what made me decide to do it, but I do remember how much fun I had watching the colorful crayon wax melt all over the hot light bulb. Stopping at just one color , seemed like a waste […]