How to Make Progress Towards Your Creative Goals
We’re almost two months into the new year. Are you making progress toward your goals? “Fear of failure is highest when you’re looking at the ultimate destination. To reduce fear, close the gap. Focus on the smallest action that moves you forward.” Farnum Street Pizza Project #52 My husband and I created a joint goal […]

Are You Misusing Reference Images?
Everything around you is communicating. The question is, are you listening, are you looking, and do you understand? The color, texture, proportion, and scale tell you something. Is it safe? Playful? Hot or cold? Look in the mirror; what does your style communicate? Does it say you’re friendly, under 20, following trends, or breaking the […]

Missing Deadlines or Making Choices?
We all make choices about what we do with our time. However, we tend to talk less about time and the choices we make and instead talk about wasting time, getting time back, saving time, or managing time. To-do list grow. Calendars are filled with meetings and appointments, all in the guise of managing our […]

I Can……
I can statements have been used in education, mainly elementary, for many years. The statements correspond to what the students are learning in class and are often a way to take standards and learning objectives and translate them into student-friendly language. I can statements help students take responsibility for their learning and growth and can […]

7 Questions about Selected Works
Q&A about AP Studio Art and the selected works portfolio. Your AP coordinator will receive a box of portfolios with instructions from the college board. Make sure to follow the instructions closely. Instructions will guide you through adding barcodes to the back of your work and printing out the writing section about your selected work. […]

Understanding the Settings on Your DSLR Camera
Using an DSLR camera can be a lot of fun, and help you to produce great photos, but first, you need to understand what the settings are and how to change them. Where each part of the camera is located, varies some based on make and model, take some time to explore and understand your […]

Round up: How to Get Started Teaching Online
As schools shift between meeting in person, and moving online, a lot of people are asking questions about how online teaching and learning really works. I’ve been teaching online for 7 years and have learned a lot along the way. Below you’ll find a series of post that I’ve written on the topic. One additional […]

How do you Reflect and Improve on Your Teaching?
At the end of each school year, I take time to reflect, what went well that I want to do again, what didn’t go well and how can I change it? While I did this when I taught in person, I do it even more since I teach online. With online teaching and learning, the […]

What you Need to Know to Move your Teaching or Business Online
I’ve been getting a lot of great questions about teaching art online and online teaching in general. I’m doing my best to answer them through blog posts instead of individual emails and messages, as it saves some time, and gets the information to more of you. If you just stumbled upon this post, and have […]

How to Make a Schedule, Avoid Chaos, and Still be Creative
As many parents, students, and teachers are trying to navigate what it looks like to do online a big question is how to help students plan. Online learning naturally creates more autonomy for students, which can be a good thing, if they are provided with the right information and supports. Even as adults we often […]