Teacher Tools: The Artist Project
If you’re anything like me, you uncover a great website, you love it, it gives you ideas, saves you time, and then somehow you completely forget about it. Yesterday I was working on some new lesson plans, thinking , I know that there is this site with videos of artist talking about other art, […]
Teacher Tools: Grading made easier with google drive
Do you hate grading, hate making copy of copy ( and then the machine jams 15 times in the process ) of rubrics that you’re students just lose? Are you tired of having piles of projects teetering your desk? Me too! Here’s how I use google drive to grade student artwork. Buy it nowBest ecommerce […]
Teacher Tools: National Core Art Standards
As with anything new, the National core art standards were a bit confusing when they first came out, however, after spending time playing around on the website, and chatting with other art teachers, I’m pretty much in love with them now. The custom workbook has quickly become my best friend, and is a powerful tool […]
How to Keep your Students Engaged
It can be hard to know how to keep all of your students engaged, to check for understanding, or to come up with fun ways for students to review important facts and concepts. Kahoot.it is a great ( and free) program that engages all of your students in a fun and interactive review game. […]
Teacher Tools: Episode 12: Where to find FREE Stock Images
Looking for FREE and awesome stock images, here’s what you’ve been looking for! This is a great resource for both you and your students to find images for presentations. Visit Unsplash
Teacher tools Episode 11: Art History for Kids Made Easy #Metkids
This site is great for parents and elementary art teachers. It makes it easy to search by time period, and topic, and helps you to have meaningful conversations about works of art throughout history. Check out METKIDS by clicking here
Teacher Tools: Episode 10: Understanding Art and History
This is a great tool to bring into your art history class or your visual arts class. It’s also great a tool for language and history teachers. French Teachers: Learn about Women Artists in France Cezanne Photography Teachers: check this out Explore Met Museum Past Exhibitions here
Teacher Tools: Episode 9: One Great Resource for Inspirational/ Motivational Videos for Your Classroom
You’re always looking for new inspiration, great ways to grab your students attention and to help keep them motivated. You’re going to love the site The Kid Should See This. This site is great for a wide range of subjects, topics, and age levels. Bonus, it’s super easy to search!
Teacher Tools: Episode 7: How to do group conference Calls
Sometimes you just need to have a face to face conversation, but you just can’t get your schedules to line up. Zoom.us has become my new go to tool for super simple video conferencing. Since I do a lot of teaching online, being able to do group conference calls is essential, and the newest tool […]
Teacher Tools Episode 8: How to Create online Courses
Love the idea of teaching online, or just wish that there was any easier way to reach all of your students? Wish that there was some way to check for students understanding and give them automatic feedback? I’ve been using zippy courses by Social Triggers for 2 years now and really love it. In the […]