What happens when you don’t know what questions to ask?
So you really love making art, you think that you’re pretty good it, but you have no clue what to do next. You’ve taken lessons, watched youtube videos, and thought about highering a private tutor, but you know that being an artist is about more than being able to make pretty things, but you just […]
What kind of Job can you get if you love art?
In school, no matter what kind of school it is, we tend to spend a lot of time learning information, skills, and techniques, but we often miss the conversations about how to apply the information or what to do with your new skill set. You’re trying to decide where or if to go to college. […]
How to manage your artroom with online grading
As an art teacher, it can feel overwhelming to keep track of all of the student’s projects and grades, and still be able to find the surface of your desk. I started out by only grading one or two of my classes work digitally and quickly made the switch to all students. I’ve experimented with […]
Why Does Art Matter
Why do I have to learn algebra, when am I ever going to use it? Why do I need to read THIS book, what does it have to do with my life? Kids of all ages are always asking why, and as the adult tasked with responding to them why, it can get a bit […]
How to Keep your Sanity while teaching
Planning, it’s a dirty little word, that you might be surprised to hear me say…. us artist types aren’t known having great organizational skills. But I”m planner… also a dreamer… they go well together… because I plan on making my dreams happen, even if those dreams include adopting a mini pig and a goat. […]
How to help students plan + a FREE planning guide
I was feeling overwhelmed. Juggling way too many projects, which was making me not want to work on any of them, which just made me more overwhelmed. Then I took a deep breadth, and decided to take the advice that I give to my students. Do one thing at a time. It sounds simple, but […]
How to prep student work for an ARt show…. without losing your mind
It’s that time of the year where most art teachers are simultaneously thinking, this art show is going to be great, and why in the world are we having an art show!!!! Art shows are no joke, they’re a lot of work, and it often seems like it takes weeks to prep, and then the […]
How to help students develop interesting ideas
You’ve given your students a list of project choices for 3D materials and they’re asking questions like…. “Can I make a cardboard cutout of my initials and decorate it with flowers?” “Can I cut out a heart and put pictures on it?” This makes you want to slam your head into the chalkboard… you’re just waiting […]
How to help students prepare their AP Portfolio
Not sure what all of the steps are that you need to do to get your students AP art portfolios ready and submitted to the college board? It’s that time of year, where you look at the calendar, look back at your AP art syllabus and realize it’s crunch time. Students need to be […]
How to Make sure your art students are on track
This is a good one to tuck away for a rainy day ( or a sub plan!!!) We like doing what we’re used to doing, our students are the same way, and I can’t really blame them. But in AP art they really need to push themselves, demonstrate an understanding of the principles of art, […]