How to Bring Your Creative Book Idea to Life

Posted in Books

I talk to a lot of people that have dreams of writing a book, but that’s where the dream ends, because they don’t feel like pitching publishers, but also find the steps to figure out how to self-publish overwhelming. That was me. Until, I committed to figuring it out, and now 10 books later, I’m here to share the steps with you.

Yesterday, I shared about the process of determining what illustrations you want to add, so if you have words on a page, but still, need images, check out that post first, and then come back. And, since a lot of teachers read this site, even if YOU don’t have dreams of publishing a book, this is a great way to teach your students about writing, interpreting words into images, and career options.

Let’s get started.

Set up your document in Pages

Add images to your document

Upload your book to Amazon KDP

Create a book cover

Review and Publish

Published books



If you want slides of The Oddball, you can get those here.