High School Homeschool Curriculum
Another school year is just around the corner. I’m so excited for the next round of AP Art and Art History classes to start. I also want to be sure that if it’s something that you’re considering, you have all of the information that you need. Today we’re going to focus on the audit option. […]

Homeschool Art Lessons ( no pompom’s required)
If you homeschool and are looking for art lessons for 9-12 grade, here is a collection of ideas and resources to get you started. Learning more about Online Art Classes for Homeschool Students A look behind the scenes at what an AP Art History Test looks like A FREE art lesson to try […]

How to find FREE materials to teach Fiber Arts
Art materials can be expensive, but they can also be FREE. If you’ve been thinking about wanting to explore fiber arts, but aren’t sure how to afford it, here’s an idea for you. Reach out to your fellow co-workers and encourage them to clean out their t-shirt drawer. You could also look through the lost […]

How to plan lesson for your Homeschool Year
I love writing lesson plans, which I know, sounds strange to some people. For me, it’s a creative practice to think about what students need to learn and come up with interesting ways to present the information. While my process varies depending on what I’m working on, in the video below, I go over the […]

Online Art Classes for Homeschool Students
How does someone take an art class online? When families start to look at taking AP art courses online, they often have questions about how such a hands on class works online. The main answer is through video. What I wanted to share with you today, are examples of how students receive feedback. Feedback […]

How to find FREE Art Supplies to Make Sketchbooks with your Kids
Art supplies can be expensive, they can also be FREE. If you take the time to look around, you might be surprised at how many supplies you already have. Creating within constraints is a creative practice, as it forces you to solve a problem with what you have around you. Making you and your kids […]

A Behind the Scenes Look at the AP Art History Exam
If you’re thinking about taking the AP Art History course for Homeschool Students online, I wanted to give you an overview of the AP exam. I do not require students to take the AP exam with the college board. Some students choose to take the AP Art History course to learn more about art history […]

Homeschooling High School Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Homeschooling for high school can be hard, at least when it comes to some subjects, which is why a lot of people look for online courses and support. For kids that have a strong interest in Art and Art History, online AP courses are a great option. You can either take them for credit […]

What’s it like to take an online AP Art Course?
Taking a course online is a great opportunity to have a flexible schedule. It also gives you access to courses that you may not be able to attend otherwise, but it can also be lonely. In my AP ( advanced placement) Art and Art History courses I work hard to help you ( as the […]

How to Help Child that is a Talented Artist
You are an avid art lover. You want to improve your skills, but you’re not really sure where to turn. You’ve watched a lot of youtube videos, and read a lot of art and drawing books, but you feel like there is still something missing. AP Drawing and AP 2D Design are just what you’re […]