The number one mistake that you’re making when working on projects
In class one of my students asked, “my friends and I want to study art in college, but how do we know if we’ll be able to handle all of the work.” This is a really good and common question that I get from high school students, and the answer is, that you need to […]

Are You Misusing Reference Images?
Everything around you is communicating. The question is, are you listening, are you looking, and do you understand? The color, texture, proportion, and scale tell you something. Is it safe? Playful? Hot or cold? Look in the mirror; what does your style communicate? Does it say you’re friendly, under 20, following trends, or breaking the […]

How to Find Ideas to Inspire Your Work
“ The arts allow us to dance on the edge of uncertainty and invite in creativity, expanded awareness, expanded perception, play, and more prosocial behavior.” Barbara One of the best ways to learn how to build a body of work is to look at bodies of work and reflect on what you love and don’t […]

Be Creative: Experiment
Kids love to learn until it seems like, suddenly, they don’t. Observe any kid under eight engaged in endless imagination, experimentation, and questioning, leading to learning. They learn a new word or skill almost daily, but why does it stop? Research shows that kids’ love for learning tends to drop off in third grade. Why? […]

High in the Tree and Low in the Soil: The Story Behind the Page
I like nature. Subconsciously, it works its way into many of my stories. I also like to write about things that generally have an obvious relationship. I then take that relationship in a not-so-obvious direction. It makes for thoughtful conflict; we all know a story needs tension or conflict. With that thought in mind, I […]

Revision and Starting Over
We’re taught that revision is essential but shouldn’t like it. It means that we should have done it better the first time. What if you looked at revision as a sign of learning, a way to demonstrate that you know more now than you did yesterday? An indicator of a desire and willingness to grow. […]

Are You Letting Ideas Pass You By?
There are ideas all around you; you just have to be paying enough attention to catch them. I just returned from a family trip to the beach. Something about travel prompts 1 million questions to carousel through my mind. This year, the theme was Pelicans… I bet you didn’t expect me to say that. I’ve […]

How to Understand What You See
I wanted to write you a mini-lesson on visual literacy specifically connected to the meaning of materials. But before we can talk about the meaning of materials, we need to start at the beginning and talk about seeing. Visual literacy is important for everyone. You might think that if you’re not an artist or aspiring […]

How to Use Chance Encounters to Create Weaving Patterns
Have you ever heard of the Dada art movement? The movement began in Europe in response to the brutality of World War I. Writers, actors, artists, and other creative thinkers adopted the philosophy of the Dada movement as they experimented and explored new ways of making art and defining what was considered art. Surrealists Artists […]

1 Simple Way to Experiment and Revise Your Work
Use Digital tools You don’t have to enjoy making digital art to benefit from using digital tools to experiment and quickly revise your work. Start by creating your work in whatever medium you prefer, for me, that’s painted paper and collage. After you’ve made the work, photograph it, and then begin to explore it digitally. […]