What are the Differences between AP 2D Design and AP Drawing
If you’re trying to determine if you want to take the AP Drawing Course of the AP 2D Design course, this video gives you an overview of the two courses. the difference between the drawing and 2D portfolio from louise kane on Vimeo.

How to Start Planning for AP Studio Art
With the new AP Art guidelines released by the College Board, it’s time to start planning. I’m trying to make sure that I plan smart, keeping in mind that I’ll need to update my syllabus. I also want to think about what lessons and resources I already have that will work well with the […]

How to Use Drawing to Improve Learning in all Subjects
Do you know how to take notes that help you learn? When I started teaching AP Art History, I found that students were excellent at filling pages in their notebooks with notes. However, as I looked over their notes, they were simply re-writing what they were reading. They weren’t demonstrating that they understand what they […]

3 Tools to Help You and Your Students Feel More Confident Writing
I often have students in art class they don’t feel comfortable writing. I myself wasn’t always a big fan. As with most things in life, it takes practice and access to the proper tools. Two tools that I use myself and also share with my students are Grammarly and the Hemmingway Editor. Both of have […]

How to Prepare for AP Art
Did you know that the portfolio requirements for AP Studio Courses are changing? In the past, students submitted 24 pieces. 12 breadth and 12 concentration. Moving forward, students will submit 15 pieces. All 15 pieces will be focused on sustained investigation. Meaning that all 15 pieces that demonstrate sustained investigation around questions asked by […]

Tips on Giving Students Feedback About Their Art
No matter how long you’ve been teaching, you likely ask yourself, am I good enough? Do I know what I’m doing? Am I providing good feedback to student work? I ask myself these questions a lot as well. One thing that I always find helpful is hearing from other teachers. So today, inviting you into […]

Are you Thinking about Taking a Year off from School?
As you finish your senior year of high school it can be hard to decide what to do next. Do you want to attend a 4-year college, get an associates degree, or take a gap year? In case this is the first time that you’re hearing of a gap year, let me back […]

How to Encourage your Teenager that Likes Art
”Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.” ~Steven Pressfield When I was a kid my two favorite things to make were drawings […]

Online Art Classes for High School Students
Advanced Art Classes Online You know that you love art and that you’re good at it, but you feel stuck in a rut, and like you’ve taken your work as far as you can without help. You’re thinking about wanting a creative career after high school, but you and your parents, just aren’t sure […]

A Fun Way to Give your Students Sketchbook Prompts.
Over the years, I’ve reflected that while I had students working in their sketchbooks, I didn’t use them as much as I would have liked to. While I always have a sketchbook with me, I tend to do more writing in it than drawing. I’d decided that sketchbooks have to look pretty, and be something […]