Understanding Row C of the AP Sustained Investigation Rubric

The sustained investigation rubric for AP 2D Design and AP Drawing is the same for rows a, b, and c.
The rubric that the college board uses to score the sustained investigation for the AP Studio Art Portfolio is an analytic rubric, with 4 rows. An analytic rubric means that each row is scored independently. In this series (click the links above to see videos for rows A and B), we’re going to look at examples provided by the college board, row by row.
In the video below, you’ll see examples of what it looks like to earn a 2 for row C of the rubric.
Next, compare earning a 2, with this video where the student earned a 3.
To get more ideas and inspiration about the materials that you use in your work, watch this Episode from PBS, Craft in America on Jewelry design.